After the question ‘how much does a translation cost’, the question of how long it will take to complete the translation is the most frequently asked. This makes sense, because you have big plans and you would rather have your translation yesterday than today. There is no general delivery time for translations, but we will be happy to explain how we calculate it.

In order to give you a specific answer to the question of when your translation will be ready, we really need to look at the text to be translated. On average, a translator translates a maximum of 2,500 to 3,000 words per day. There is, however, more to consider.

This affects the delivery time of a translation

The delivery time for translations depends on a number of factors. It is not just the number of words that determine when the translation is ready — the level of the text, the briefing, project managers and quality checks also influence the delivery time.

Complexity or level of text
A “difficult” text full of abbreviations or technical terms — that takes more time than translating a “simple” text. A translator will need more time for this, and this will affect the delivery time of your translation.

Good briefing
A good briefing has to be complete and clear, and will therefore save time. Good briefings ensure the best translations with the fastest turnaround time.

Call in the project manager in good time
Translators are important, but our (and your personal) project managers are perhaps the holy grail. They share their thoughts with you, make preparations and ensure that the right translator is working on your translations. So that you can rest assured that your translations will arrive at the agreed upon time.

Comprehensive quality control
In our case, three pairs of eyes will look at your translation, which is part of our extensive quality control. This means that it will take a little longer to receive your translation as opposed to running the risk of a translation with errors. But it also means that you save time after delivery as we make corrections in advance rather than afterwards.

Also read;Standing an excellent chance with our comprehensive quality control; the 6-eyes principle

Need a translation urgently? Rush translations are possible!

Do you need a last-minute translation and is the average delivery time too long for your plans with that translation? An option would be a rush translation. At Euro-Com we do these on a regular basis. How we all of a sudden can make it go faster? The options:
• We assign more translators to your job (and work with a single reviewer and a single project manager for the extensive quality check in order to maintain consistency in terms and tone of voice, among other things).
• We offer the translation without revision — although in most cases we do not recommend this.

Good to know: although we always try to avoid it, it is possible that a rush translation will involve extra costs. Our project managers will advise you of this in advance.

Do you want to know exactly when your translation will be ready?

Want to know when we can deliver your translation? Send us the text and we will tell you more. Our project managers are on hand to answer your questions, discuss all the options with you and set a date. Will you get in touch?